The idea is simple:

Be a part of the Million Pixel home page craze for St Louis Missouri Businesses.

The more links a single web page has the greater the chances of it showing up higher in the search engine placement.

StL Pixel Ads is providing St Louis business owners a cost effective and a unique way to advertise on the web an a single web page.

Ads are available in 100-pixel (each measuring 10x10 pixels minimum). You will see the homepage is divided into 10,000 of these 100-pixel blocks (hence there are 1,000,000 pixels in total). The reason for selling them in 100-pixel blocks is because anything smaller would be too small to see the image.

You can buy as many 10 x 10 square pixels blocks as you like, as long as there are some available. When you buy a square pixel ad, you can then display an image/ad/logo of your choice in the space you have purchased. You can also have the image click through to your own website. However, no obscene or offensive images are allowed.

The pixels you buy will be displayed on the homepage permanently. The page will not change and I guarantee to keep it online for at least 2 years, but hopefully much longer.

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